Recent Events

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Sustaining Solidarity in Europe


In collaboration with SOLIDUS, the TransSOL team hosted Sustaining Solidarity in Europe on 15 May 2018 in Brussels at the Factory Forty venue. The public event brought together social scientists, NGO/CSO representatives and members of the public in order to collectively address the factors that promote or discourage transnational colloaboration across European countries.

Discussion began at 9am and ended at 6pm, and TransSOL researchers Christian Lahusen, Simone Baglioni and Maria Kousis made important contributions to the public dialogue.[1]

European Solidary: Conditions, Forms, Limitations and Implications


The TransSOL Project held its final event on 16-17 May 2018 in Brussels at the Factory Forty venue. The conference, which included TransSOL researchers and guests, featured a presentation and discussion of the past three years of research findings.

Guest keynote speakers included Gian-Andrea Monsch (University of Lausanne), Caroline de la Porte (Copenhagen Business School) and Maria Petmesidou (Democritus University). In addition to TransSOL topics such as civil society, public opinion and public discourses on solidarity, participants also had the chance to discuss the concept of the common good, welfare reform and austerity and the implications of neoliberalism for public policy.[2]


  1. WP6 Newsletter
  2. WP6 Newsletter